What and Where We Fund

Activest (2025)
Activest is a Black-owned and Black-led public finance research firm dedicated to influencing municipal budgets, policies, and leaders for the betterment of Black communities. This grant provides general operating support.

Association of Black Foundation Executives (2025)
ABFE's mission is to promote effective and responsive philanthropy in Black communities. This grant provides general operating support.

Women’s Foundation of the South (2025)
The Women’s Foundation of the South centers and invests in the collective power, health, wellbeing, economic security and leadership of women and girls of color in the South. This grant provides general operating support and regranting funds.

Alabama Arise (2024)
Alabama Arise is a statewide, member-led organization, working to advance public policies to improve the lives of Alabamians who are marginalized by poverty. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

CommunityWorks (2024)
CommunityWorks is committed to creating a brighter future for financially underserved people and places in South Carolina by providing equitable financial products and services to build wealth. This grant provides general operating support.

Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, Inc. (2024)
The Georgia Budget & Policy Institute works to advance lasting solutions that expand economic opportunity and well-being for all Georgians. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support and regranting funds.

HousingLOUISIANA (2024)
HousingLOUISIANA serves as a statewide network of housing practitioners, advocates, community leaders, and policy makers. Through its statewide network of the nine regional housing alliances in Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma-Thibodaux, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Northshore, and Shreveport, it works to better coordinate efforts and build collaboration across the state on housing issues. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

Immigrant Alliance for Equity and Justice (2024)
The mission of the Immigrant Alliance for Justice and Equity (I.A.J.E.) is to invest in building the capacity of working-class Latinx and Indigenous immigrant communities in Mississippi through economic empowerment and social justice advocacy. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

Institute for Southern Studies (2024)
The mission of the Institute for Southern Studies is to expose injustice, strengthen democracy, and build a community for change to promote a more equitable, democratic, and sustainable South. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.
Mississippi Engaged (2024)
Mississippi Engaged is formed as a civic engagement table focused on addressing, educating, and coordinating civic engagement activities to strengthen and connect progressive nonprofit organizations and activists statewide. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support and regranting funds.

NC Latinx Collaborative (2024)
The NC Latinx Collaborative work to strengthen the capacity, resilience and power of groups led by Latinx people in North Carolina. This grant provides general operating support and regranting funds.

NC Counts Coalition (2024)
NC Counts Coalition is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization committed to building a healthy, just, and equitable North Carolina through cross-sector partnerships that advance systemic solutions for communities facing systemic barriers. This grant provides general operating support and regranting funds.

New American Pathways (2024)
New American Pathways (New AP) is a nonprofit organization located in DeKalb County that empowers refugees and supports their successful integration into Georgia's communities. This grant provides project support.

New Virginia Majority Education Fund (2024)
New Virginia Majority Education Fund (NVMEF) works to create a powerful multi-issue, multi-racial movement to transform Virginia through large-scale civic engagement, issue advocacy, community organizing and strategic communications. This grant provides general operating support.

South Carolina Community Loan Fund (2024)
The mission of community loan fund is to advance equitable access to capital to build assets and benefit communities and people most in need of economic opportunity. This grant provides general operating support.

Step Up Louisiana (2024)
Step Up Louisiana is a community-based organization committed to building power to win education and economic justice for all. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

WV Community Development Hub Inc. (2024)
The Hub partners with communities to improve quality of life by empowering leaders, building collaboration, amplifying the stories of the communities where we live and work, and tackling barriers to community development. This grant provides general operating support and organizational development support.

Arkansas Public Policy Panel (2024)
Arkansas Public Policy Panel is a statewide organization dedicated to achieving social and economic justice by organizing citizen groups around the state, educating and supporting them to be more effective and powerful, and linking them with one another in coalitions and networks. This grant provides general operating support.

Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation (2024)
The Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation (CHPP) protects heirs’ property and promotes sustainable land use to build wealth for historically underserved families through education, policy change, legal services and forestry technical assistance. This grant provides general operating support.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (2024)
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is committed to increasing economic opportunity across the country, especially for low- and moderate-income individuals. CBPP’s state fiscal work leverages expertise in state budget and tax policy, strategic communications and partnerships with state allies – particularly the State Priorities Partnership – to create modern, equitable and sustainable revenue streams needed to fund investments that grow economies, expand opportunity and extend economic security. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Deep Center Inc. (2024)
Deep Center’s mission is to empower Savannah’s young people to thrive as learners, community leaders and agents of change. Deep amplifies the participation and leadership of youth of color to support their engagement in the democratic process and advocacy for policy reforms. This grant provides general operating support.

El Pueblo Inc. (2024)
El Pueblo's mission is to build collective power through leadership development, organizing, and direct action so the Latin American community and other marginalized communities control their own stories and destinies. This grant provides general operating support.

Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (2024)
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that conducts rigorous analyses of tax and economic proposals and provides data-driven recommendations on how to shape equitable and sustainable tax systems. This grant provides general operating support.

Kentucky Center for Economic Policy (2024)
KyPolicy aims to improve the quality of life for all Kentuckians through research, education, advocacy and leadership on important policy issues facing the commonwealth. This grant provides general operating support.

Kentucky Coalition Inc. (2024)
Kentucky Coalition Inc. is a statewide organization working for a new balance of power and a just society. They use direct action to challenge – and change – unfair political, economic and social systems. Their membership is open to all people who are committed to equality, democracy and non-violent change. This grant provides general operating support.

Invest in Louisiana (2024)
Invest in Louisiana (formerly Louisiana Budget Project) uses policy research, advocacy, communications and outreach as tools to change hearts, minds and ultimately policy. The organization produces policy research to inform the development of legislation and administrative reforms at the state level. This grant provides general operating support.

NC Budget & Tax Center (2024)
The North Carolina Budget and Tax Center (BTC) works at the state and local levels, documenting, researching and analyzing fiscal and economic conditions in partnership with community leaders to identify and move forward solutions to inequality and systemic racism through public policy. This grant provides general operating support.

NC Child (2024)
NC Child builds a strong North Carolina by advancing public policies to ensure all children - regardless of race, ethnicity or place of birth - have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

North Carolina Asian Americans Together (2024)
North Carolina Asian Americans Together (NCAAT) is a nonpartisan organization committed to supporting equity and justice for all by fostering community among Asian Americans and allies through civic engagement, leadership development, grassroots mobilization and political participation. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

North Carolina Congress of Latino Organizations (2024)
North Carolina Congress of Latino Organizations (NCCLO) is a statewide, membership-led organization dedicated to building and wielding relational power among Latinxs to advance social, racial and economic justice. Its membership comprises more than 50 Latinx congregations, community associations, unions and nonprofits in North Carolina, representing more than 100,000 individuals. This grant provides general operating support.

Southern Vision Alliance (2024)
Southern Vision Alliance (SVA) is an intermediary organization providing fiscal sponsorship and capacity-building support to emergent and established grassroots organizations, primarily in North Carolina. SVA’s partners build power to advance change across issues such as youth organizing, racial, gender and climate justice. This grants provides general operating and regranting support.

The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (2024)
The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (TCI) is Virginia’s budget and tax center, providing research, analysis and strategic communications on a range of policies. They advance racial and economic justice by advocating for policies designed in partnership with people most affected and informed by credible, accessible fiscal and policy research. This grant provides general operating support.

Together Louisiana (2024)
Together Louisiana supports the work of broad-based organizations committed to crossing the division of race, religion, economics, gender, and political ideology. In so doing, these organizations develop a nonpartisan approach to local politics and create a vehicle where citizens shape the future of their communities. This grant provides general operating support.

Women’s Foundation of the South (2024)
Women's Foundation of the South's mission is to center and invest in the collective power, health, well-being, economic security, and leadership of womxn and girls of color in the US South. In short, they work to ensure their health, wealth, and power. This grant provides general operating support.

Alabama Forward (2024)
Alabama Forward is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting civic engagement and progressive policies. Their mission is to ensure that every resident of Alabama can participate in the democratic process. This grant provides general operating, regranting and organizational development support.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta (2024)
Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta is the first nonprofit legal advocacy organization dedicated to protecting the civil rights of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) communities in Georgia and the Southeast. They envision a social movement in which communities of color are fully empowered, active in civic life, and working together to promote equity, fair treatment, and self-determination for all. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Carolina Federation (2024)
The Carolina Federation Fund exists to build a new civic majority, rooted in a culture of belonging, strong enough to lead in the state. This grant provides general operating support.

Fair Count Inc (2024)
Anchored in Georgia but working across the South, Fair Count builds long-term power in rural, BIPOC communities that have been historically undercounted in the decennial census, underrepresented at the polls, and whose communities are torn apart in redistricting. This grant provides general operating support.

Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (2024)
Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights is a grassroots community organization that has operated for more than 18 years. The organization has engaged in deep community organizing utilizing advocacy campaigns, education, and movement building to engage Latino/a immigrants. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Latino Community Fund Inc (2024)
Latino Community Fund is a catalyst for investment, collaborative work, and positive narrative for the Latinx/Hispanic Community in Georgia. Their promise is to invest in Latinx organizations and leaders to accelerate positive and equitable change for our diverse communities in Georgia. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Mississippi Votes (2024)
Mississippi Votes centers and trusts the voices and power of young Mississippians to co-create the reshaping of a democracy that works for the people who love and call Mississippi home. This grant provides general operating, regranting and organizational development support.

North Carolina Black Alliance (2024)
North Carolina Black Alliance addresses policy and economic issues to enhance Black communities across the state by developing and promoting systemic policy change as well as youth and leadership development. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

One Voice (2024)
One Voice is a civic engagement, non-profit organization working to democratize public policy. Its mission is to ensure historically silenced communities have representation and influence in spaces of power. This grant provides general operating support.

Power Coalition for Equity and Justice (2024)
Power Coalition for Equity and Justice is a team of organizations that believe in the power of community and taking action. Their goal is to equip Louisianians with the knowledge and information they need to use their voice, and learn where and when to use it. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

ProGeorgia (2024)
ProGeorgia is a bold, trusted, and diverse collaborative that champions an equitable and inclusive democracy, for and with traditionally underrepresented communities. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

State Voices (2024)
State Voices is the nationwide network of 25 permanent, nonpartisan, state-based coalitions, called state tables, working year-round with over 1,200 local and state partners to create a more accessible, inclusive, representative democracy. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

We Are Down Home (2024)
We Are Down Home is a project to build a statewide organization of rural and small town communities that advocate for economic, gender, and racial justice in North Carolina. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

Appalshop (2023)
Appalshop, now in its fifth decade, uses culturally based community organizing and place-based media, arts, and education to advance social justice, environmental sustainability, and economic equity in Central Appalachia. This grant provides general operating support.

Faith in Action (2023)
Faith in Action Alabama is a statewide faith-based community organizing organization that seeks to honor God by dismantling systemic racism to create pathways of opportunity for all Alabamians. They seek to accomplish this mission by serving as a vehicle that better equips people of faith across race lines to build and wield power so that they are architects of policies, not objects of them. This grant provides general operating support.

Forward Justice (2023)
Forward Justice is a nonpartisan law, policy, and strategy center dedicated to advancing racial, social, and economic justice in the U.S. South. Located in Durham, North Carolina, they serve as a strategic partner for nonprofit organizations, coalitions, and networks at the forefront of movements organizing for a more just, equitable, and free South. This grant provides general operating support.

Mountain Association (2023)
The Mountain Association invests in people and places in Eastern Kentucky to advance a just transition to a new economy that is more diverse, sustainable, equitable and resilient. In practice, this means that they gear their work towards just and equitable community economic development, which we define as a community-led, action-oriented approach to regenerating local economies and strengthening democracy. This grant provides general operating support.

New Orleans Workers Center for Racial Justice (2023)
Louisiana workers, led by a united front of exploited Black and immigrant workers, organizing and building the power to reclaim what is rightfully ours. Together, they are demanding dignified work, racial justice, a liberation that transcends borders, and our full participation in every decision that affects our lives. This grant provides general operating support.

Piece by Piece (2023)
Piece by Piece develops community-based and culturally relevant strategies for individuals, organizations, and ecosystems. They serve as capacity builders primarily for organizations and emerging movements led by and serving systematically-marginalized communities seeking to impact and build the power of people. They work with foundations, coalitions, and other organizational and individual partnerships to provide meaningful support through a learning community model to build sustainable organizations. This grant provides $200,000 for general operating support and $100,000 for regranting.

South Carolina Association for Community Economic Development (2023)
The South Carolina Association for Community Economic Development (SCACED) is a coalition of individuals and organizations who support the development of healthy and economically sustainable communities throughout South Carolina. Members work collaboratively to build wealth and create economic opportunity for all SC residents, and many of their efforts are focused on minority communities and other groups who have been left out of the economic mainstream. This grant provides $250,000 for general operating support and $150,000 for regranting.

Southeast Immigrants Rights Network (2023)
The mission of the Southeast Immigrant Rights Network (SEIRN) is to lift up the voice and leadership of immigrant communities in the Southeast regionally and nationally. They promote collaboration and exchange among members, as well as political education and collective action to build just and inclusive communities. SEIRN envisions grassroots immigrant communities joining other marginalized communities as equal partners to build a regional movement to transform the South into a place that respects the dignity and the human rights of all. This grant provides $245,000 for general operating support and $30,000 for regranting.

Southern Partners Fund (2023)
Support grassroots community organizations in the rural South seeking racial, economic, and environmental justice by providing financial resources, technical assistance, training, and access to systems of information and power. This grant provides $150,000 for general operating support and $200,000 for regranting.

The Ordinary People’s Society (2023)
The Ordinary People Society (TOPS) is an innovative, faith-based grassroots, civic engagement, community, and mutual aid organizing entity. Their mission is to be nonjudgmental, offering hope and creating an environment that provides a continuum of unconditional acceptance and care to individuals and their families without regard to race, sex, creed, color, religion, or social status. TOPS supports individuals and their families suffering the effects of drug addiction, mass incarceration, homelessness, poverty, unemployment, hunger, and the profound impacts of multi-generational poverty and oppression. This grant provides general operating support.

Women’s Foundation of the South (2023)
The Women’s Foundation of the South centers and invests in the collective power, health, wellbeing, economic security and leadership of womxn and girls of color in the South. This grant provides general operating, organizational development and regranting support.

West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy (2023)
WVCBP’s mission is to use research and analysis to advance the well-being of West Virginia communities and to promote and support the essential role of government in improving the quality of life in the state. This grant provides general operating support.

Voice of the Experienced (VOTE) (2023)
Voice of the Experienced is a grassroots organization founded and run by formerly incarcerated people, their families, friends and allies. VOTE is dedicated to restoring the full human and civil rights to the people most affected by the criminal injustice system. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

The Equity Alliance (2023)
The Equity Alliance's mission is to unapologetically build independent Black political and economic power. TEA educates, empowers and mobilize people to act and keep their government in check. TEA believes democracy works best when everyone has a chance to participate, has equitable access to the voting booth and resources, and is empowered to be self-determining in making choices on who represents their values, interests and issues. This grant provides general operating, organizational development and regranting support.

Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (2023)
The Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition’s mission is to build power, amplify voices, and organize communities to advocate for immigrants’ rights. Its vision is a stronger, more inclusive Tennessee where people of all nationalities, immigration statuses and racial identities can belong and thrive. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Our Future West Virginia (2023)
Our Future West Virginia seeks to change the balance of power through grassroots led policy change, developing local leadership and bringing diverse voices together. This grant provides organizational development support.

Kentucky Civic Engagement Table (2023)
The Kentucky Civic Engagement Table is a statewide coalition that supports grassroots organizations to advance coordinated strategy, win shared policy and civic engagement victories, and build long-term power. This grant provides general operating support.
Grantmakers for Southern Progress (2022)
Grantmakers for Southern Progress is a membership-based network of philanthropic leaders, practitioners and individuals dedicated to leveraging resources for structural change in the South. GSP's mission is to transform philanthropic giving and practice in the South that prioritizes equity-focused structural change. GSP's core belief of centering equity in philanthropic giving and practices will strengthen the organizational infrastructure and power within Southern communities to significantly increase racial, gender and economic outcomes for people across the South. This grant provides general operating support.

Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (2022)
GLAHR is a community organizing nonprofit that develops statewide grassroots leadership in Latinx communities. Through a decade of organizing, communications and advocacy, GLAHR has established a powerful network of informed community members and local committees to defend and advance the civic and human rights of Latinx immigrants, regardless of immigration status. This grant provides general operating support and regranting.

Georgia ACT (2023)
Georgia ACT is a statewide nonprofit membership organization that provides organizational coaching, technical assistance and peer-to-peer interaction to drive community development and affordable housing. The organization advocates for policies to strengthen the number and quality of affordable housing options for low-wealth people and communities. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

ACLU of Alabama (2023)
The ACLU of Alabama's mission is to support, defend and advocate for civil liberties, civil rights, and the humanity of every person through a shared narrative, education, public policy, legal action, and power building with impacted communities. This grant provides general operating, organizational development, and regranting support.

GALEO Latino Community Development Fund (2023)
GALEO’s mission is to increase civic participation of the Latino Community and to develop prominent Latino leaders throughout the state of Georgia. This grant provides general operating, organizational development and project support.

Democracy North Carolina (2023)
Democracy North Carolina is a nonpartisan organization that uses research, organizing and advocacy to strengthen democratic structures, build power among disenfranchised communities, and inspire confidence in a transformed political process that works for all. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Code the Dream (2023)
Code the Dream’s mission is to create opportunity that changes lives, build technology that benefits communities and support the diversity that drives a more just and innovative world. This grant provides general operating support.

Coalfield Development Corporation (2023)
Coalfield supports a family of social enterprises that inspire the courage to grow, the creativity to transform perceived liabilities into assets, and the community needed to cultivate real opportunity in Appalachia through mentorship, education and employment. This grant provides general operating, organizational development and regranting support.

Civic Tennessee (2023)
CivicTN is a 501c3 nonprofit civic engagement coalition of more than 35 local organizations throughout Tennessee working individually and collectively to create a more accessible, inclusive and representative democracy by amplifying the voices, leadership and expertise of communities who have historically experienced deliberate barriers to civic participation. This grant provides general operating, organizational development and regranting support.
Census Equity Initiative (2023)
The Census Equity Initiative is dedicated to ensuring the Census Bureau and its partners accurately and fairly count historically undercounted populations for the purposes of enumeration and equitable resource distribution. It is an initiative of the New Venture Fund. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center (2023)
The Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center is a nonprofit law firm that fights for justice in the coalfields by representing coal miners and their families on issues of black lung and mine safety and by working with grassroots groups and individuals to protect the land and people from misuse and degradation caused by extractive industries. This grant provides general operating support.

Appalachia Funders Network (2023)
Appalachia Funders Network seeks to accelerate an equitable Appalachian transition by convening and connecting funders for learning, analysis and collaboration. This grant provides general operating support.
Amplify Fund (2023)
Amplify Fund has two overarching goals: the first is to nurture and strengthen the conditions necessary for historically marginalized people to maintain and build decision-making power, and the second is to shift where, to whom, and how philanthropy provides support so that communities in its eight places are adequately resourced. This grant provides regranting and project support.

Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice (2023)
ACIJ’s mission is to work for the rights and dignity of all people by cultivating just policies, encouraging grassroots leadership and participation, building alliances, and amplifying the voices and contributions of immigrants in Alabama. ACIJ works to create an Alabama that values justice, nurtures equality, and protects the rights of everyone regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, physical ability or migratory status. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

Advocates for Community and Rural Education dba Rural Community Alliance (2023)
The mission of Rural Community Alliance is to empower rural communities to effect change by creating opportunities in education, economic development and youth empowerment to improve quality of life and place. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

Appalachian Voices (2022)
Founded in 1997, Appalachian Voices brings people together to protect the land, air and water of Central and Southern Appalachia and advance a just transition to a generative and equitable clean energy economy. This grant provides project support.

Arkansas Public Policy Panel (2022)
Arkansas Public Policy Panel is a statewide organization dedicated to achieving social and economic justice by organizing citizen groups around the state, educating and supporting them to be more effective and powerful, and linking them with one another in coalitions and networks. The Panel seeks to bring balance to the public policy process in Arkansas. This grant provides general operating support.

Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation (2022)
The Center for Heirs' Property Preservation aims to protect heirs’ property and promote the sustainable use of land to provide increased economic benefit to historically underserved families to build wealth through education, legal services and forestry technical assistance. This grant provides general operating support.

Democracy North Carolina (2022)
Democracy North Carolina is a nonpartisan organization that uses research, organizing, training and advocacy to increase voter participation, reduce the influence of big money in politics and achieve a government truly “of, by and for the people.” This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (2022)
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is committed to increasing economic opportunity across the country, especially for low- and moderate-income individuals. CBPP’s state fiscal work leverages expertise in state budget and tax policy, strategic communications and partnerships with state allies – particularly the State Priorities Partnership – to create modern, equitable and sustainable revenue streams needed to fund investments that grow economies, expand opportunity and extend economic security. This grant provides project and regranting support.

Deep Center (2022)
Deep Center’s mission is to empower Savannah’s young people to thrive as learners, community leaders and agents of change. Through creative writing, cultural productions and art, DC creates platforms for the city’s youth and village of supports around them, including their families and adult allies, to share stories, engage in debates and make Savannah and the state of Georgia a more equitable place. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta (2022)
Rooted in the dreams of immigrants and inspired by the promise of opportunity, Asian Americans Advancing Justice advocates for an America in which all Americans can benefit equally from, and contribute to, the American dream. Its mission is to advance the civil and human rights for Asian Americans and to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all. This grant provides general operating support and regranting.

Georgia Budget and Policy Institute Inc. (2022)
Founded in 2004, GBPI strives to be an anti-racist research and advocacy organization, working to advance lasting solutions that expand economic opportunity and well-being for all Georgians. GBPI examines the state’s budget, taxes and public policies to provide thoughtful analysis and responsible solutions. GBPI educates the public about complex issues confronting Georgia. The Institute’s aim is to inspire informed debate and decision-making, advancing a vision of a fair and inclusive Georgia where all people prosper. This grant provides general operating, organizational development and regranting support.

Alabama Forward (2022)
Alabama Forward is a coalition of grassroots organizations that aims to enhance the ability of members to shape public narrative, build political power of historically marginalized communities, and break down barriers to civic participation. This grant provides general operating support and regranting.

El Pueblo (2022)
El Pueblo's mission is to build collective power through leadership development, organizing and direct action so the Latin American community and other marginalized communities control their own stories and destinies. Leadership development activities are limited to Wake County, but El Pueblo’s civic engagement and advocacy work is statewide. This grant provides general operating support.

Alabama Arise (2022)
Alabama Arise is a statewide, member-led organization advancing public policies to improve the lives of Alabamians who are marginalized by poverty. It is made up of over 150 member groups and over 1,700 individual members united in our belief that people in poverty are suffering because of state policy decisions. Through Arise, groups and individuals join together to promote state policies to improve the lives of people suffering because of poverty. Through policy analysis, advocacy and organizing, Arise provides a structure in which Alabamians can engage in public debates to promote the common good. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

CommunityWorks (2022)
Founded in 2008, CommunityWorks is a statewide nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution loan fund in South Carolina. CW is committed to building a brighter and more equitable future for underserved families and communities through financial education, lending and investing. CW has a dual focus on affordable housing and small business lending. This grant provides general operating support.

Center for Rural Strategies (2022)
Center for Rural Strategies is a national organization that uses media and communications to frame the public discourse that centers on the voices and stories of rural people and communities. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

West Virginia Community Development Hub Inc. (2022)
The WV Community Development Hub serves as the key West Virginia entity that anchors community development activities across dozens of West Virginia communities and works to catalyze the state’s community development system. The Hub’s purpose is to (1) Coach volunteer community leadership teams to help them build sustained development in rural communities; and (2) Grow the overall community economic development system in West Virginia through collaborative partnerships that use innovative approaches to address systemic challenges for rural development. This grant provides general operating support

We Are Down Home (2022)
We Are Down Home is a statewide organization of rural and small-town communities that advocates for economic, gender and racial justice. WDH aims to move North Carolina toward the values of dignity, safety and inclusion through leadership development, strategic campaigns, multiracial movement building and civic engagement that advance real reforms for rural communities. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

Together Louisiana (2022)
Together Louisiana supports the work of broad-based organizations committed to crossing the division of race, religion, economics, gender and political ideology. In so doing, these organizations develop a nonpartisan approach to local politics and create a vehicle where citizens shape the future of their communities. This grant provides general operating, organizational development and regranting support.

The Commonwealth Institute For Fiscal Analysis (2022)
The Commonwealth Institute's (TCI) mission is to use policy research and analysis to advance the wellbeing of Virginia communities and improve the economic security and social opportunities of all Virginians. The organization is particularly concerned about low-wealth Virginians and communities of color. This grant provides general operating support

State Voices (2022)
State Voices builds power across issue silos, sectors and organizational size, from the grassroots to the grass-tops, to advance a new paradigm of American equity and justice, where every person has the means, motivation and freedom to fully participate in a just democracy that provides opportunities for all people to thrive and live in their full dignity. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.
State Leadership Project (2022)
State Leadership Project is dedicated to helping build and support sustainable and reflective charitable donor alliances that foster civic engagement to create shared power and economic prosperity for people of all races in all 50 states. This grant provides project support and regranting.

Southern Vision Alliance (2022)
Southern Vision Alliance supports emergent and established grassroots groups and efforts organizing for social, racial, economic, gender and environmental justice in North Carolina and the U.S. South. SVA builds movement infrastructure, mobilizes resources and incubates collaborative solidarity. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Southern Coalition for Social Justice (2022)
Southern Coalition for Social Justice uses litigation and community organizing strategies to ensure fair participation in the democratic process. The organization’s work benefits all communities across the region, but specifically benefits low-wealth individuals and communities of color as these communities are targeted for disenfranchisement. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

South Carolina Community Loan Fund (2022)
South Carolina Community Loan Fund’s mission is to advance equitable access to capital to build assets and benefit communities and people most in need of economic opportunity. SCCLF accomplishes its mission by providing loans, technical assistance, advocacy, and knowledge for the development of affordable housing, healthy food enterprises, community facilities, and community businesses. Acknowledging that the need for its work is rooted in generations of injustice and disinvestment, SCCLF focuses on serving people of color, women, low-income individuals, and those in rural communities. This grant provides general operating support.

Reynolda House Museum of American Art (2022)
Reynolda House preserves and interprets an American country home and a premier collection of American art. Through innovative public programs and exhibitions, the museum offers a deeper understanding of American culture to diverse audiences. This grant provides general operating support.

ProGeorgia (2022)
ProGeorgia’s mission is to strengthen the state’s civic engagement infrastructure in the most marginalized areas. It leverages collective power to catalyze change on issues important to the communities it wishes to enfranchise. ProGeorgia fuels the progressive civic engagement landscape with funding, technology, data analysis and training. This grant provides general operating support and regranting.

Power Coalition for Equity and Justice (2022)
Power Coalition for Equity and Justice is a team of organizations who believe in the power of community and taking action. Its goal is to equip our fellow Louisianans with the knowledge and information they need to find their voice, and learn where and when to use it. This grant provides general operating, organizational development and regranting support.

Partnership for Southern Equity (2022)
The Partnership for Southern Equity advances policies and institutional actions that promote equity and shared prosperity for all in the growth of metropolitan Atlanta and the American South. This grant provides general operating support and regranting.

One Voice (2022)
One Voice is a 16-year-old social justice organization with a mission to lift the voices of underserved and marginalized communities in Mississippi and the Deep South. Its work involves a comprehensive racial justice analysis that connects its mission to the struggles of the Civil Rights Movement as a way to always remember how the state and country became this way. This grant provides general operating support.
North Carolina Congress of Latino Organizations (2022)
NCCLO's mission is to empower Latinx immigrants throughout North Carolina and help immigrant institutions become more relevant and effective. The organization strives to develop a unified voice, become a vehicle for collective action, defend rights and improve the socioeconomic conditions of Latinxs in North Carolina. NCCLO achieves the organization's mission through the provision of organizing technical assistance, non-partisan civic engagement, leadership development and collective action. This grant provides general operating support.

North Carolina Budget and Tax Center (2022)
The North Carolina Budget and Tax Center envisions a state where every person can reach their full potential and achieve wellbeing through the support of trustworthy, anti-racist institutions and systems that all participate in building. Its research of fiscal and economic conditions in communities supports the work of people, organizations and government to advance solutions to poverty and pursue racial equity. This grant provides general operating, organizational development and regranting support.

North Carolina Black Alliance (2022)
The Alliance is working toward state-level systemic change by strengthening the network of elected officials representing communities of color throughout the state and collaborating with a progressive, grassroots networks on intersecting issues. These issues range from voting rights, gerrymandering, criminal justice reform, health and wellness, economic development to education. This grant provides general operating support and regranting.

North Carolina Asian Americans Together (2022)
North Carolina Asian Americans Together's mission is to support equity and justice for all by fostering community among AAPIs and allies in North Carolina through civic engagement, leadership development, grassroots mobilization and political participation. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

New Virginia Majority Education Fund (2022)
New Virginia Majority Education Fund builds power for racial and social justice through year-round community organizing and voter mobilization in communities of color--communities that drive social justice reforms in Virginia. We engage voters of color on issues such as housing, health care, education, and climate change. This grant provides general operating support.

New American Pathways (2022)
New American Pathways has a mission to help refugees and Georgia thrive, with a continuum of services that support new Americans on their individual pathways from arrival through citizenship and beyond. Created in 2014 by the merger of Refugee Resettlement and Immigration Services of Atlanta and Refugee Family Services, New AP is a local nonprofit that helps refugees from the moment of their arrival in Georgia throughout their journey to citizenship. This grant provides project support.
NC IAF (2022)
The NC IAF is a regional network of broad-based community coalitions operating primarily in Wake, Durham, Orange, Forsyth and Mecklenburg Counties. Each coalition, made of dues paying well trusted institutions, builds individual civic leadership, strengthens its member organizations, and serves as a vehicle for these members to act in the public arena with sufficient power for the common good. The coalitions create opportunities for people to connect and act powerfully and creatively as leaders – to bring about practical solutions to the challenges facing their families and communities. NC IAF network aggregates the collective power of over 200 grassroots institutions including congregations, neighborhood organizations, nonprofits, labor unions, parent groups and federally qualified health care institutions. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

NC Counts Coalition (2022)
NC Counts Coalition is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization committed to a healthy, just and equitable North Carolina. Its cross-sector partnerships advance systemic solutions for communities facing systemic barriers, including BIPOC, LGBTQ+, low-wealth, immigrant and other communities. It was established in 2017 to ensure a complete, fair and accurate 2020 census count for North Carolina. Building off its 2020 census work and statewide infrastructure, in 2021 it transitioned to new areas of programming: 1) Representation and Civic Engagement, and 2) Recovery and Resiliency. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

NC Collaborative for Strong Latinx Communities (2022)
The mission and vision of the NCCSLC is to offer funding, support and resources toward a North Carolina that has increased voice and leadership of Latinx communities in all sectors. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

NC Child (2022)
NC Child builds a strong North Carolina by advancing public policies to ensure all children - regardless of race, ethnicity or place of birth - have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. This grant provides general operating and organizational development support.

Louisiana Budget Project (2022)
Louisiana Budget Project monitors and reports on public policy and how it affects Louisiana’s low-to-moderate income families. The organization’s mission is to provide sound analysis of state fiscal issues to promote economic prosperity, a rising standard of living, and the opportunity for all citizens to reach their highest potential. This grant provides general operating support.

Latino Community Fund (2022)
LCF seeks to be a catalyst for investment, collaborative work and positive narrative with and within the Latinx community in Georgia. This grant provides general operating support and regranting.

Kentucky Center for Economic Policy (2022)
KyPolicy aims to improve the quality of life for all Kentuckians through research, education, advocacy and leadership on important policy issues facing the commonwealth. This grant provides general operating support.

Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (2022)
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that conducts rigorous analyses of tax and economic proposals and provide data-driven recommendations on how to shape equitable and sustainable tax systems. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Institute for Southern Studies (2022)
Founded in 1970 by civil rights veterans, the mission of the Institute for Southern Studies is to expose injustice, strengthen democracy and build a community for change to promote a more equitable, democratic and sustainable South. Through public interest media, strategic research, and education and outreach initiatives, the Institute links people to information, analysis, and tools to build a better future in the South. This grant provides general operating, organizational development and regranting support.

Appalshop, Inc (2021)
Appalshop’s mission is to enlist the power of art to document, interpret and revitalize the traditions and contemporary creativity of Appalachia; to tell stories the commercial cultural industries don’t, challenging stereotypes with Appalachian visions and voices, to support communities’ efforts to achieve justice and equity; to promote cultural diversity, pluralism and human rights as positive social values, and to participate in regional, national and global movements towards these ends. This grant provides general operating support.

Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center (2021)
The Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center is a nonprofit law firm that fights for justice in the coalfields by representing coal miners and their families on issues of black lung and mine safety and by working with grassroots groups and individuals to protect the land and people from misuse and degradation caused by extractive industries. This grant provides general operating support.

Athens Land Trust, Inc. (2021)
Athens Land Trust's mission is to improve quality of life for all by preserving, protecting and strengthening the fabric of the community through education and the stewardship of land for purposes of affordable housing, conservation, agriculture and economic development. This grant provides general operating support.

Appalachia Funders Network (2021)
Appalachia Funders Network seeks to accelerate an equitable Appalachian transition by convening and connecting funders for learning, analysis and collaboration. This grant provides general operating support.

Coalfield Development Corporation (2021)
The mission of Coalfield Development Corporation is to support a family of social enterprises that inspire the courage to grow, the creativity to transform perceived liabilities into assets, and the community needed to cultivate real opportunity in Appalachia through mentorship, education and employment. This grant provides general operating support and funding for data research.

Advocates for Community and Rural Education, dba Rural Community Alliance (2021)
The mission of Rural Community Alliance is to empower rural communities to effect change by creating opportunities in education, economic development and youth empowerment to improve quality of life and place. This grant provides general operating support.

GALEO Latino Community Development Fund (2021)
GALEO’s mission is to increase participation of the Latino community and to develop prominent Latino leaders throughout the state of Georgia. This grant provides general operating support.

West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy (2021)
The West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy’s mission is to use research and analysis to advance the well-being of West Virginia communities and to promote and support the essential role of government in improving the quality of life in the state. This grant provides general operating support.

Voice of the Experienced (VOTE) (2021)
Voice of the Experienced (VOTE) is a grassroots organization founded and run by formerly incarcerated people, their families, friends and allies. VOTE is dedicated to restoring the full human and civil rights to the people most impacted by the criminal injustice system. This grant provides general operating support.

Southern Workers Opportunity Fund (2021)
The mission of the Southern Workers Opportunity Fund is to better understand and improve the conditions of workers in the U.S. South to create sustainable opportunities for prosperity. This grant provides project support.

Southern Partners Fund (2021)
Southern Partners Fund supports grassroots community organizations in the rural South seeking racial, economic and environmental justice by providing financial resources, technical assistance, training and access to systems of information and power. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Southern Coalition for Social Justice (2021)
Southern Coalition for Social Justice uses litigation and community organizing strategies to ensure fair participation in the democratic process. The organization’s work benefits all communities across the region, but specifically benefits low-wealth individuals and communities of color as these communities are targeted for disenfranchisement. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Southeast Immigrant Rights Network (2021)
The mission of the Southeast Immigrant Rights Network is to lift up the voices and leadership of immigrant communities in the Southeast regionally and nationally. They promote collaboration and exchange among their members, as well as political education and collective action to build just and inclusive communities. This grant provides general operating support.

South Carolina Association for Community Economic Development (2021)
The South Carolina Association for Community Economic Development is a coalition of individuals and organizations who support the development of healthy and economically sustainable communities throughout South Carolina. Their members work collaboratively to build wealth and create economic opportunity for all South Carolina residents, and many of their efforts are focused on minority communities and other groups who have been left out of the economic mainstream. This grant provides general operating and regranting support.

Mountain Association for CED dba Mountain Association (2021)
The Mountain Association invests in people and places in Eastern Kentucky to advance a just transition to a new economy that is more diverse, sustainable, equitable and resilient. This grant provides general operating support.

Metanoia Community Development Corporation (2021)
Metanoia is a movement of people rooted in faith. They invest in neighborhood assets to build leaders, establish quality housing and generate economic development. They are pushing forward into new relationships with God and one another to create strong communities. This grant provides general operating support.